Daily Archives: January 13, 2006

Is SPIN It Dangerous?


The pundits of political correctness (another branch of Intellectuals) are probally worried about SPIN IT being a threat to the Global Peace Process… So here is the editor’s take on this issue:


Lets say, you happen to be peeking down from the balcony on the 33rd floor of some high rise building…


Ignoring normal human reactions like wanting to spit, piss, throw water balloons or even jump (bound to happen especially if you’re that high and also high on something), lets focus on something far more important… Yes! I’m talking about your friend who sneaks behind you and pretends as if he is going to push you down, but really has a tight hold on you… And I mean, it has to be a friend because an enemy might actually push you and a stranger would become your new enemy with a stunt like that…

Folks! The Simpleton is actually your friend, so pundits please stop worrying…Oh! Sure… He starts things off like he is going to disrupt the Global Peace Process, but that’s simply how dry humor works… And with Political Correctness in place, humor really has become dry…

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Filed under Why Spin It?